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Matching filament with the printer using barcode scanner#292


Matching filament with the printer currently involves manual data entry, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. My suggestion is to streamline this process by integrating a barcode or QR code scanning system. Here’s how it would work:

  1. Each printer has a unique QR code. The operator scans this code, and the software automatically identifies the specific printer.
  2. Next, the operator scans the QR code or barcode on the filament spool. The software then verifies compatibility and assigns the filament to the printer.

This system eliminates manual data entry, significantly reduces the potential for errors, and makes the process seamless—taking just a few seconds per printer. It’s an efficient and user-friendly solution that improves accuracy and saves time for printer operators.

3 months ago

I wanted exactly the same, so I created a python script that runs on an extra pi and small screen. It is not perfect by any means, but it gets the job done for me.

3 months ago
Changed the status to
Planned - filament v2
19 days ago