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Machine Type Verification#279


I have a mix of A1 Mini’s and A1’s. I accidentally sent a Mini file to an A1 so it caused a chip in the powder coating in the middle of the plate where it wiped the nozzle.
I have done the opposite before by sending an A1 file to a Mini and it gave me a warning due to the size being too large. This time, there were no warnings since the Mini file still fit on the larger A1 plate.
Could the SP check system be improved to identify the machine type and verify this matches before allowing a print?

2 months ago

I second this, if models could be checked to ensure this doesn’t happen would be ideal. Can somewhat catch it with printer bed size, but better to just gate on model if possible. We had an instance ones where an MK4 print was started on an XL and nozle drag on like 4 sheets at once. Also would be good while your at it and implement this add it as an option to 1-click as well. Could be added as “Printer models must match”

2 months ago

It would help us if this were not a mandatory check. We intentionally print print files for the P1P on P1S machines.

2 months ago

I think it can be a check that provides a warning just like any of their other checks like temperature, filament type, etc. It doesn’t have to prevent the printing from happening.

2 months ago