More for the education users but intergration with canvas to use quizes to change roles or courses to unlock a role.
On a similar note may look into blackboard
both I know are used quite often at universities here with in the USA
We are looking to integrate with some EDU platforms, actually. We’re interested with the Danish nation-wide login system for education, “Uni-login”, low-level Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams integration is implemented in our soon-to-be-released “Academy” module, where you can create courses for your school or print farm, whether it’s meant to teach students how to use the make space, teachers how to teach 3D printing, or print farms teaching new and old hires how to perform maintenance, etc.. We will also provide some SimplyPrint-produced courses on how to use the platform, available to everyone. You can add videos and quizzes in these courses as well.
A part of this module - which will be released in v1.5/2 of the module, will be the “Course completion rewards” feature. This will allow you to lock certain features or permissions behind one, or multiple, courses.
Figured the background info on this coming update would help in shape these possible integrations, if there’s indeed demand.
So, I have 2 questions;
1) does your school use either of these platforms?
2) how would you, more precisely and well-described, see this feature work? What kind of integration possibilities are there?
3) do you know of any other integrations like it, that we could draw inspiration from, or to see what is possible from a technical standpoint? (If they even have an API, for example)
Suggestions are very welcome! But, when they’re of this nature, speaking of integrations with platforms that 99.9% of SimplyPrint users won’t use and can’t relate to, it’s important to make a strong case, and make your suggestion descriptive and very precisely targeted - that way, we, at SimplyPrint, have more to go by, and SimplyPrint users may be more likely to upvote your suggestion 💪
this is the other tool we are using to control access to every other tool in our shop other than our 3d printer witch we use simplyprint to control access