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Print farm shift calculation#228


Improved print plan queueing.

For example, you can set up that the employee’s shift is from 8:00 to 18:00.
Three prints are scheduled to be printed, each of them takes 6 hours. So first print is started at 8:00, finishes at 14:00 and another is started immediately, but it finishes at 20:00. The last print can only be started at next day 8:00, so the total time would be 3*6h+12h (time during which noone can start the print). This could well be shown in the Gantt chart and long term print planning would be many times easier.

I know that having automatic print removal makes this feature obsolete, but this could still be used for example filament or nozzle change planning.

8 months ago

oh yeah for sure… this is much needed
i posted a similar and easier suggestion that can be implemented before this more complex queueing goes into production

but yes i want this plan queue badly

7 months ago
Changed the status to
6 months ago