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Add multiple instances of a print in one gcode#227


For example there is a gcode that contains 9 instances of a part. When adding GCODE to the web, you can tell that there are 9 instances.

When adding file to the queue, you would add not X amount of GCODE’s to the queue but X amount of parts to print. For example you add 18 parts to queue, but only two prints appear in the queue. And when the print finishes, 9 parts are shown as printed.

8 months ago

We do want to do something like this, where we don’t think of a Gcode file as the product itself, but as being able to contain multiple products/parts.

We’ll either do it as a part of our “Projects” / “Assemblies” feature that we’re planning, where you can link multiple Gcode files to an assembly, and say “When this is printed, it’s = [5] of [x] item” - or as a part of our “Shop” update, with products, order tracking and all that.

So, certainly a good idea, and something we gotta do!

8 months ago
Changed the status to
8 months ago

5 minutes ago i did not know that i’ve wanted the Assemblies feature. Now i must have it. That would extremely help our case, since we do have prints that are part of assembly, but printed as separate parts due to size, count or complexity. Do you have a timeline for this?

8 months ago

Not at all, unfortunately. But, we’ll keep you posted :)

8 months ago

The assemblies are something that could be really valuable for us.
I’m happy to test when things are at that stage 👍

5 months ago