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Make the summary boxes at the top of the printers page clickable/filterable#226

When in the printers tab, it provides a summary of each stage a printer can be: Idle & ready, paused printers, awaiting bed clear, ongoing, offline.

It would be great if we can click on any of the buttons and then it filters the printers or highlights them so they can be attended to quickly. For example, clicking on the “awaiting bed clear” filters it to just show those printers so its much easier to identify those printers and clear them instead of either walking around or scrolling through the list. Thanks!

3 months ago

Yes! We have been wanting to do this for a while, and it _is_ planned, actually! Along with a search bar, and hopefully other sort types, so you can choose to sort alphabetically, by printer status and so on, and not be stuck with just the custom order

3 months ago
Changed the status to
3 months ago