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Local Webhook Server#222


What about a possibility that you can setup an raspberry or server who can registered as webhook server. So you can select in the web page that webhooks are not called from the simplyprint server, instead are called from the special server. So you can call endpoints in a local network without a public IP.

3 months ago

I don’t really think that’s possible from a technical standpoint.

The webhooks are sent from our server, and our server is in the cloud - not on your local network, and can’t reach your local network.

3 months ago

I think of something like the BambuLab Server. You can setup an raspberry where you can login into SP and than register it as webhook handler and call the raspberry to send out the messages.

3 months ago

It would indeed require you to have a server that is somehow connected to us, probably via WebSocket like the printers, that we then need to know that we should send webhook requests to instead of a traditional URL reachable by our server.

I’d say chances of us implementing this are slim to none, to be 100% honest. But I’d be interested in hearing where this suggestion comes from? Any specific use cases we may not be thinking about?

We’ll let the suggestion gather upvotes of course.

3 months ago

So the actually usecase is that the company i work for have a very strict policy about public reachable servers.
The way our BambuLab Printfarm is connected to SP is no problem. So we don’t have a easy way to create a public reachable IP.
In our printfarm we unload all Printers with an UR Robot with special bed clearing features and this UR Robot have to know which printer is done.

Our goal is to automate a whole production. From the filament production, to printing all parts, scanning them as QS and also assamble it with robots.
So we need a central SW which take control of all those things for the robots. So SP is awesome for that, but now we have the issue that we would have to make the Robots, or at least some of them, somehow public available and thats always a though task with our IT department. So with another Raspberry, who connects to SP and we could say in SP to call all Webhook Call over that Raspberry we could send all needed events to all robots or other systems we have, without any public available IP.

3 months ago

I do see some use-cases, like that one, where it may be useful.

I still think it’d be easier for you guys to have an, even non-local, open endpoint that we can ping. Then you can make that server communicate with your local devices the same way we do with the BBL software. It doesn’t have to be local, open and thereby somewhat a security “threat”.

Our webhook system sends you a token that you can use to verify that the traffic is indeed from our server.

Of course if more people want this feature, or anyone wants to pay for having it developed, we’ll be glad to revisit this, but my theory is there won’t be much traction right now.

We’re doing an integration for the “Dobot” robot arms at the moment, though, and if something like this proves it needs something like what you’re suggesting, it could be something we’d at least start looking into.

Thanks for the feedback none the less! We always appreciate getting new suggestions, and learn about new exciting use-cases of our product :)

3 months ago

Sure that would work, just was thinking about a way for people without the knowledge of setting up something like that by themselve. Like a home user without a IT dep.
But sure i just wanted to point out this feature, but i understand that the focus might be somewhere else :)
At least you and the community heared about it and maybe this is useful for someone else too.

In the meanwhile i will build some management software for this, so I will find a way :)
Thanks for our fast answers.

3 months ago

I agree with you - it would be cool, and I can see how some could use it. It’s indeed not really at the top of our priority-list at the moment, but as said, we always appreciate the feedback.

Let us know how your project goes!

3 months ago